Discord Integration
An overview of how to use Discord with TaskedUltimate.
Last updated
An overview of how to use Discord with TaskedUltimate.
Last updated
In the "config.yml" file, head to the "discord_integration" key and change "false" to "true"
After that, you're going to want to create a webhook URL. If you don't know how to do this, look at the images below. Set the key "webhook_url" to the URL you get by clicking the copy button for your Discord channel. After this, do "/tasked reload" in game and you're done.
In the configuration, you'll notice a key in the "Discord Integration" section for ping translations. A ping translation just lets the plugin know what Discord ID to ping based on the Minecraft Username you input for a command. For example, with "0bviouslee: 579038191277834240" in my "ping_translations" key, running the command "/tu add 0bviouslee New Task" will ping the ID 579038191277834240 in the webhook notification (which is my Discord account's ID) so that I'll be notificed of my task changes.