A list of all commands, their usages, permissions, and function.
/tasked help:
Function: Displays all available commands and usages Permission: tu.help
/tasked reload:
Function: Reloads the plugin configuration & messages Permission: tu.reload
/tasked add <player> <task>:
Function: Creates a new active task Permission: tu.add
/tasked remove <id>:
Function: Removes an active task Permission: tu.remove
/tasked complete <id>:
Function: Completes an active task Permission: tu.complete
/tasked assume <id>:
Function: Assumes someone's task as your own Permission: tu.assume
/tasked reassign <id> <player>:
Function: Reassigns a task to someone Permission: tu.reassign
/tasked list <player>:
Function: View all available active tasks Permission: tu.list
/tasked convert:
Function: Converts your task file to database Permission: tu.convert
/tasked debug:
Function: Shows various plugin information Permission: tu.debug
Extra Permissions:
tu.update_notification: Receive plugin update notifications
Keep in mind that all permissions can be altered in "config.yml" under "General Plugin Settings".
Last updated