View information regarding configuration files and how effects are stored.
Default Configuration
# Particles:
delay: 5
# Messages:
reload: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fYou have &asuccessfully &freloaded &9BlockEffects &8[&bv2.0&8]&f.'
created: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fYou have created the effect &9%effect% &fwith the particle &9%particle%&f.'
removed: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fYou have removed the effect &9%effect%&f.'
modify: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fYou have set the &9%modification% &fof &9%effect% &fto &9%value%&f.'
unknown-modification: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fUnknown modification. Available modifications: &9count, speed, item, block, color, color-transition, offset&f.'
not-found: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fThe effect &9%effect% &fcouldn''t be found.'
usage: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fIncorrect usage, use "&9/be help&f" to learn more.'
particles: |-
&9Available Particles:
effect-list: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fThe following effect(s) are active: &9%effects%'
effect-info: |-
&9%effect% Information:
&8โข &fParticle: &9%effect_particle%
&8โข &fWorld: &9%effect_world%
&8โข &fLocation: &9%effect_location%
&8โข &fLocation Offset: &9%effect_location_offset%
&8โข &fCount: &9%effect_count%
&8โข &fSpeed: &9%effect_speed%
&8โข &fItem: &9%effect_item%
&8โข &fBlock: &9%effect_block%
&8โข &fColor: &9%effect_color%
&8โข &fColor Transition: &9%effect_color_transition%
&8โข &fShriek Value: &9%effect_shriek%
&8โข &fPermission: &9%effect_permission%
no-permission: '&9&lBlockEffects &8ยป &fYou don''t have access to this command.'
help-list: |-
&8โข &9/be <reload/rl> &8- &fReloads the plugin
&8โข &9/be <create/c> <name> <particle> &8- &fCreates a block effect
&8โข &9/be <remove/r> <name> &8- &fRemoves a block effect
&8โข &9/be <modify/m> <name> <mod> <value> &8- &fModify an effect
&8โข &9/be <particles/p> &8- &fDisplays available particle types
&8โข &9/be <info/i> <name> &8- &fView information on a specific effect
&8โข &9/be <list/l> &8- &fDisplays active effects
Configuration Breakdown
Delay refers to how often particles are spawned. This value is in ticks, not seconds. The formula to ticks is 20 ticks equals 1 second. For an easier conversion method, check out!
Effect Storage
Below you will find an example of how an effect is stored. This method of storage allows you to easily read the data and edit it freely.