View information regarding the configuration file generated when loading the plugin.
Default Configuration
# ################
# General Settings
# ################
# This option controls how often (in ticks) particles spawn.
# You can use for conversion.
delay: 20
# ########
# Messages
# ########
prefix: '#00b2ff&lB#00b2ff&lE &8&l|'
reload: '%prefix% #F0F3FAYou have &asuccessfully #F0F3FAreloaded #00b2ffBlockEffects %1%#F0F3FA!'
create: '%prefix% #F0F3FAYou have created the effect #00b2ff%1% #F0F3FAwith the particle #00b2ff%2%#F0F3FA.'
remove: '%prefix% #F0F3FAYou have removed the effect #00b2ff%1%#F0F3FA.'
flag: '%prefix% #F0F3FAYou have set #00b2ff%1% #F0F3FAto #00b2ff%2% #F0F3FAfor #00b2ff%3%#F0F3FA.'
move: '%prefix% #F0F3FAYou have moved #00b2ff%1% #F0F3FAto #00b2ff%2%#F0F3FA.'
list: '%prefix% #F0F3FAThe following effects are active: #00b2ff%1%'
info: |-
&8&m &r
#00b2ff&l%1% Information:&r
&8&m &r
help: |-
&8&m &r
&8&l| #00b2ff/be reload: #F0F3FAReloads plugin files
&8&l| #00b2ff/be create [name] [effect]: #F0F3FACreates a new effect
&8&l| #00b2ff/be remove [name]: #F0F3FADeletes an active effect
&8&l| #00b2ff/be flag [name] [flag] [value]: #F0F3FAEdits effects visually
&8&l| #00b2ff/be move [name]: #F0F3FAChanges an effect's location
&8&l| #00b2ff/be info [name]: #F0F3FAView information on an effect
&8&l| #00b2ff/be list: #F0F3FADisplays all active effects
&8&m &r
no_permission: '%prefix% #F0F3FAYou don''t have access to this command.'
incorrect_usage: '%prefix% #F0F3FAIncorrect usage, use "#00b2ff/be help#F0F3FA" to learn more.'
not_found: '%prefix% #F0F3FAThe effect &9%1% #F0F3FAcouldn''t be found.'
unknown_flag: '%prefix% #F0F3FAThat flag couldn''t be found.'
Last updated