Easily view the latest default configuration to cross-reference or update your own.
#โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โ โโโ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
# โ โโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโ โโ โโโ โ โโโโโโ โ โโโโ
# Made by Obviouslee, created with a keyboard and mouse.
# Plugin Support Discord: https://discord.obviouslee.dev
# Plugin Wiki: https://wiki.obviouslee.dev/taskedultimate
# ################
# General Settings
# ################
# The display name of the server as an identifier.
server_name: Lobby
# The date format used when a time is shown from a placeholder.
date_format: MM/dd/YYYY
# The time is in "tick" a value.
# You can calculate ticks at: https://codepen.io/mrjohndoe69/pen/ExPZpNb.
# You can set this value to 0 to disable.
task_reminder_time: 6000 # 5 Minutes
# Whether or not the update checker should be used.
# If there is a plugin update, players with the permission "tu.update_notification" or "tasked.*" will be alerted.
update_checker: true
# ################
# Storage Settings
# ################
# Determines how tasks and other data is stored.
# You can use "file" or "database" in this key.
# File storage simply stores all task information in a file.
# Database storage uses something like MySQL for advanced storage/accessing.
storage: file
# Database specific settings.
# You can ignore these fields if you are using file storage.
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database: 'db'
username: 'username'
password: 'password'
# #########################
# Task Assignment Settings
# #########################
# Actions that run after you assign a task to a player.
# You can use "%player%" and "%assignee%" as variables.
#- give %player% diamond 1
#- say I assigned %assignee% a new task!
#- say I received a task from %player%!
# The format is: "title;subtitle;fade-in;duration;fade-out".
# Fade-in, duration, and fade-out are in "tick" values.
# You can calculate ticks at: https://codepen.io/mrjohndoe69/pen/ExPZpNb.
received_title: '&e&lYou have received a task:;&r%task%;12;40;12'
# The format is: "sound;volume;pitch".
# You can find all valid sound ID's at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html.
received_sound: BLOCK_BELL_USE;100;1
# #####################
# Task Removal Settings
# #####################
# Actions that run after you remove a task from a player.
# You can use "%player%" and "%assignee%" as variables.
#- give %player% diamond 1
#- say I removed a task from %assignee%!
#- say %player% removed a task from me!
# The format is: "title;subtitle;fade-in;duration;fade-out".
# Fade-in, duration, and fade-out are in "tick" values.
# You can calculate ticks at: https://codepen.io/mrjohndoe69/pen/ExPZpNb.
# You can use the "%task%" placeholder in this title.
removed_title: '&cโ &lA task has been removed. &cโ;&fUse &b/task list &fto see your
# The format is: "sound;volume;pitch".
# You can find all valid sound ID's at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html.
removed_sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND;100;1
# ########################
# Task Completion Settings
# ########################
# Actions that run after you complete a task from a player.
# You can use "%player%" and "%assignee%" as variables.
#- give %player% diamond 1
#- say %assignee% completed a task I gave them!
#- say I completed a task from %player%!
# The format is: "title;subtitle;fade-in;duration;fade-out".
# Fade-in, duration, and fade-out are in "tick" values.
# You can calculate ticks at: https://codepen.io/mrjohndoe69/pen/ExPZpNb.
# You can use the "%task%" placeholder in this title.
completion_title: '&aโ &lYou completed a task! &aโ;&fGreat work!;12;40;12'
# The format is: "sound;volume;pitch".
# You can find all valid sound ID's at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html.
completion_sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP;100;0
# #######
# Aliases
# #######
# This setting determines if your custom aliases display in tab-completion.
# Enabling this will override the plugins default command tab-completion.
alias_tab_completion: false
# The custom command argument for "/tu help".
- h
- cmds
# The custom command argument for "/tu reload".
- rl
- rel
# The custom command argument for "/tu add".
- assign
- give
# The custom command argument for "/tu complete".
- com
- comp
# The custom command argument for "/tu remove".
- rem
- del
# The custom command argument for "/tu assume".
- as
- take
# The custom command argument for "/tu reassign".
- reas
- transfer
# The custom command argument for "/tu list".
- l
- get
# The custom command argument for "/tu convert".
- con
- databse
# The custom command argument for "/tu debug".
- d
- info
# ###########
# Permissions
# ###########
# The permission for the command "/tu help".
help_permission: tu.help
# The permission for the command "/tu help".
reload_permission: tu.reload
# The permission for the command "/tu add".
add_permission: tu.add
# The permission for the command "/tu complete".
complete_permission: tu.complete
# The permission for the command "/tu remove".
remove_permission: tu.remove
# The permission for the command "/tu assume.
assume_permission: tu.assume
# The permission for the command "/tu reassign".
reassign_permission: tu.reassign
# The permission for the command "/tu list".
list_permission: tu.list
# The permission for the command "/tu convert".
convert_permission: tu.convert
# The permission for the command "/tu debug".
debug_permission: tu.debug
# The permission for receiving plugin update messages.
update_notification_permission: tu.update_notification
# ########
# Messages
# ########
# The display shown before every message sent by the plugin.
prefix: '&6&lTasks &8ยป'
# The message shown when you reload the plugin.
# You can use the "%version%" placeholder in this message.
plugin_reload: '%prefix% &fYou have reloaded &eTaskedUltimate &6[v%version%]&f.'
# The message shown when you add a task to a player.
task_added: '%prefix% &fYou have assigned &e%player% &fthe task "%task%&f"! &7(ID: %id%)'
# The message shown when you complete a task.
task_completed: '%prefix% &fYou have completed the task "%task%&f"!'
# The message shown when you remove a task from a player.
task_removed: '%prefix% &fYou have removed the task "%task%&f" from &e%player%&f.'
# The message shown when you assume a task from a player.
task_assumed: '%prefix% &fYou have assumed the task "%task%&f" from &e%player%&f.'
# The message shown when you reassign a task to a player.
task_reassigned: '%prefix% &fYou have reassigned the task "%task%&f" to &e%player%&f.'
# The message shown when you have a task reassigned to another a player.
task_reassigned_notification: '%prefix% &fYour task "%task%&f" has been reassigned to &e%player%&f.'
# The message shown when you convert file-stored tasks to a database.
storage_convert: '%prefix% &fYou have converted &e%amount% &ftasks to your database.'
# The message shown when viewing a list of tasks.
task_list: |-
&6&m &r
&6โขโข &e&lTasks &8| &e&l%player% &6โขโข&r
&6&m &r
# The message shown when viewing the list of all commands.
help_menu: |-
&6&m &r
&6โขโข &e&lHelp &8| &e&lTaskedUltimate &6โขโข
&e/tasked help &6โบ &fDisplays all available commands and usages
&e/tasked reload &6โบ &fReloads the plugin configuration & messages
&e/tasked add <player> <task> &6โบ &fCreates a new active task
&e/tasked complete <id> &6โบ &fCompletes an active task
&e/tasked remove <id> &6โบ &fRemoves an active task
&e/tasked assume <id> &6โบ &fAssumes someone's task as your own
&e/tasked reassign <id> <player> &6โบ &fReassigns a task to someone
&e/tasked list <player> &6โบ &fView all available active tasks
&e/tasked convert &6โบ &fConverts your task file to database
&e/tasked debug &6โบ &fView plugin information
&6&m &r
# The message shown when viewing general information about the plugin.
debug: |-
&6&m &r
&6โขโข &e&lDebug &8| &e&lTaskedUltimate &6โขโข
&eVersion &6โบ &f%version%
&eStorage &6โบ &f%storage%
&eWebhooks &6โบ &f%webhooks%
&6&m &r
# The message shown to a player as a reminder to what tasks they have.
task_reminder: |-
&8&m &r
&cโ &lYou have unfinished tasks:
&8&m &r
# The message shown to players when their is an update to the plugin.
update_notification: '%prefix% &fA new version of &eTaskedUltimate &if is available!'
# These messages are errors for various commands.
no_permission: '%prefix% &cYou don''t have access to this command.'
invalid_usage: '%prefix% &cInvalid usage, use &e&n/task help&c to view command usage.'
unknown_task: '%prefix% &cThat task couldn''t be found. Use &e&n/task list&c to view active
incorrect_storage: '%prefix% &cYou must use database storage to use this command.'
# These are variables used for other messages and functions.
task_number_prefix: '&e%number%.&r'
task_id_suffix: '&7(ID: %id%)'
empty: 'None'
# ###################
# Discord Integration
# ###################
# Whether or not to check for Discord integration.
discord_integration: false
# Customization options for Discord webhooks.
webhook_url: ''
webhook_name: Tasks
webhook_avatar: https://i.imgur.com/M9QJgVm.png
webhook_footer: 'Server: %server% | ID: %id%'
title: Task | Added
thumbnail: 'https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%uuid%'
color: '#73FF45'
title: '**:clipboard: New Task**'
value: '%task%'
title: '**:bust_in_silhouette: Assigned To**'
value: '%player%'
title: '**:pencil2: Assigned By**'
value: '%player%'
title: Task | Completed
thumbnail: 'https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%uuid%'
color: '#45FCFF'
title: '**:clipboard: Completed Task**'
value: '%task%'
title: '**:bust_in_silhouette: Completed By**'
value: '%player%'
title: '**:pencil2: Assigned By**'
value: '%player%'
title: Task | Removed
thumbnail: 'https://mc-heads.net/avatar/%uuid%'
color: '#FF4545'
title: '**:clipboard: Removed Task**'
value: '%task%'
title: '**:bust_in_silhouette: Assigned To**'
value: '%player%'
title: '**:pencil2: Removed By**'
value: '%player%'
# This section allows you to define a Minecraft username's Discord ID so that webhooks ping them.
0bviouslee: 579038191277834240
# ##########################
# PlaceholderAPI Integration
# ##########################
# The character that seperates tasks in list placeholders.
# '\n' equals a new line.
task_list_delimiter: \n
# ######
# Extras
# ######
# It is highly recommended that you don't edit this value.
# This option acts as a way for the plugin to understand what config file your using.
# It is needed for auto-updating capabilities.
config_version: 1
Keep in mind that the configuration shown here is for the latest Spigot release of the plugin.
Last updated